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Why Large Retaining Walls Need Professional Engineering

June 29, 2023

Large retaining walls can be a great addition to your property. However, it's vital that you understand how retaining walls work and why it's important for large retaining walls to have professional engineering. This quick guide will provide some information to get you started if you're planning to put in a retaining wall. Let's dive right in.

What Are Retaining Walls Used For?

Retaining walls are essentially used to battle gravity. They're often seen in places where soil needs to be held back in order to prevent erosion. Retaining walls come in many different sizes depending on the amount of soil that is being held back. A retaining wall might also be used in order to create more usable land in a sloped area. This can come in very handy for gardening or farming.

If a property has a problem with water runoff, retaining walls can also be used to curb this problem as well. According to Bob Vila, most basic retaining walls will be able to support about 20 tons of soil pressure. It's crucial that you calculate soil pressure accurately when constructing a retaining wall or the structure can fail. This is why it's crucial to turn to experienced professionals when you need a job like this done.

Can I DIY a Retaining Wall?

Many people attempt to DIY small retaining walls, but even this can be a difficult task. Any structural component of your landscaping should be left to those who know what they're doing. When you're dealing with larger retaining walls that are controlling large amounts of soil or water runoff, it's a good idea to get a retaining wall contractor.

Why Would I Need a Retaining Wall Contractor?

If a retaining wall is not built properly and is compromised, large amounts of soil or water will shift suddenly. This not only is damaging to the property, but it could also be a safety risk for people, structures, or animals nearby. If the area experiences flash flooding, the retaining wall might give away, endangering those nearby. This is why professional engineering is needed for large retaining wall projects.

If you're planning to put a retaining wall on your property, be sure that you seek out a retaining wall contractor for large projects. Call the experts at K & R Landscaping today to get started!

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